Co-curricular Activities

Music :
Human creativity expresses itself in many shapes. Performing and fine arts are the traditional platforms for creativity. Aware of their potential in shaping up fine human beings, we lay special stress on these activities. The State of Jammu and Kashmir has a rich tradition in music. In addition, young people of today are also getting exposed to and influenced by music happening at the global level . We at KCPS understand and appreciate the role of music in school education and have set up facilities for learning it in the school. The school provides facilities for learning to play a variety of musical instruments and vocal music is taught to children inclined towards Indian classical music

Dance :
Dance is basically an expression of joy and the young people of today are taking to dancing with renewed vigour . Whereas classical dance forms have their own place in the cultural heritage of India, we at KCPS understand the range and scope of creative dance forms as they evolve through original choreographic movements or are the products of imaginative fusion. We provide facilities for learning both the classical and creative dance forms. We have allocated imaginative spaces for dancing in the school building and classical dances such as Kathak and Bharatanatyam and folk dances are taught by our professional teachers.

Art Arcade & Art Gallery :
Late Shri Sudarshan Mahajan, Founder Chairman of KC Educational Society, was an ardent patron of arts. He was very supportive of making fine arts such as drawing, painting and creative photography an integral part of our school curriculum. It was with this eager enthusiasm to give KC Public School a unique identity of its own that he approved of converting the basement art rooms into an Art Arcade with three studios for the children to work in and a fairly large art gallery to display their artistic work to be viewed by parents and other visitors to the school.

Today, the school holds the distinction of being a rare school in the country to have its own art gallery which was inaugurated in May 2015 by Shri Sudarshan Mahajan and thrown open to the public. The gallery puts on display outstanding paintings, drawings and artistic photography done by the students of the school. Every student whose work goes on display in the gallery is awarded a special certificate of merit. The school Arts Department encourages originality and creativity among the children and also familiarizes them with the traditional folk art forms of India such as Pahari, Rajasthani and Mughal miniatures and Warli, Madhubani, Gond and various other artistic traditions. Children are also exposed to the history of world art and are motivated to try their hands at artistic movements such as Impressionism, Cubism and so on.

Summer Camp :
We organise a month-long Summer Camp during summer vacation in order to offer children the opportunity to channelise their energies into healthy pastimes, creativity and self-expression. The activities include swimming, specialised training in major games such as Cricket, Football and Basketball and other creative activities such as theatre, music, dance, drawing, painting, writing, verbal communication skills and personality grooming. However, a Summer Camp can be organised only if we have sufficient registrations for it to make it financially viable.

Community Service :
In 2005, KC Public School fastened partnership with the village of Narayana located 60 KM away from Jammu on the Indo-Pak border. The objective of the partnership was to sensitize the students of our school about socio-economic conditions in rural India in general and in a village located close to the international border in particular. Over the years, a close association and synergy has evolved between the school and Narayana village. Students of a local government high school in the village and students of KC Public School have joined hands numerous times in working on mutually decided programmes and projects for improving general life conditions in the rural area and for spreading awareness among people about literacy, environmental conservation and various other relevant issues. From time to time, KCPS students visit the village and interact with local people through the local school and the village council (Gram Panchayat). They also raise funds and generate resources to equip the village school with better library and ICT facilities. On quite a few annual functions of KC Public School, students of government school Narayana have participated in the cultural programme presented on the occasion.

Students of KC Public School are involved with community service through various other agencies too. In 2012-13, Rashtriya Rifles initiated a programme of interaction between KC Public School and students and teachers of government schools in the rural Tehsil of Kalakote in Rajouri district. Teachers of these schools in Kalakote visited KC Public School and were given workshops on effective teaching-learning strategies. In return, teachers and students of KCPS visited Kalakote and took part in a two days’ joint camp with local children that included visits to some villages and a trek through the countryside to study flora, fauna and rural life styles in the region.

Students of KCPS also raise and donate substantial funds for HelpAge India every year. Under the aegis of the International Award for Young People (IAYP) programme, they render community service in the form of regular interaction with and visit to homes for people with special needs. These include Rotary Club’s Home for Mentally Challenged People located at Narwal and Home for Hearing Impaired students run by Red Cross Jammu at Udewala in the vicinity of KC Public School. As recipient of British Council’s International School Award (ISA), KCPS involves its students in a variety of community service programmes such as conservation of heritage sites of Jammu, Clean Tawi mission and plantation of trees in the city. Students of KCPS also spread awareness among common people about significant issues through street plays performed at various locations in the city.

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Theatre/Drama in Education (TIE & DIE) :
Dramatization, role play and theatrical activities have come to occupy a significant place among the pedagogical tools in the hands of teachers of today. Children learn a lot faster and imbibe value education through these tools in an effective manner. In addition, they also pick up language skills through dramatization. Working in groups for this activity also builds the spirit of collaboration and cooperation among them. It has often been observed that children involved in theatre also achieve a higher sense of self-esteem.

We at KCPS use theatre/drama frequently at all stages of education. Younger children love this activity and enjoy role plays immensely. Students of the senior school enact the plays not only from their language textbooks but also from a wide range of well known plays in English including those of William Shakespeare. All sections of classes from VI to IX puts up drama performances in front of their parents at least once a year besides staging plays on special occasions such as the annual function. We also have a strong tradition of street plays which we sometimes take to the streets of Jammu city in an effort to contribute our share to public awareness programmes related to significant issues such as health, environment, literacy, children's welfare, road safety and so on.

Our open-air theatre 'The Mandua' on the school campus is used extensively not only for theatrical performances in front of parents and guests but also for presenting various activities related to music, dance and public speaking.

Global Outreach Programmes :
With newly emerging trends in the field of education, students are being constantly made aware of their proactive and interactive roles in a global community. To develop a global outlook among our students and to give them first-hand experience of global dimensions to learning vis-a-vis the role of inter-school relations, we arrange some global outreach activities for our students in the form of educational visits and student exchange programmes every year. One male student of our school with good skills in the game of Cricket spends a month or even a term at Ellesmere College, UK every year. We send 4 to 6 students to the University of Malta as members of Indian delegations arranged by the University in collaboration with the High Commission of Malta in India every year. We invite reputed sports coaches from abroad to train our students in various games, particularly at KC Sports Club adjacent to the school. We have initiated a student exchange programme with our long-term ISA partner school (Skipton Girls' High School) in the UK with the intention of making it a regular annual programme. Our students and teachers have been visiting other countries in Asia either on educational tours or as representatives of India sponsored by the government of India.