Welcome to Pravesh Vaatika

In order to extend the range of our services to the parent community, we have set up Pravesh Vaatika for toddlers of the age group 2 plus. The facility consists of an attractive play area with age appropriate equipment for physical growth and eye-hand coordination of children.

Water Kingdom' is a thoughtfully laid out facility to make the children aware of the existence of water and its potential beyond a child’s limited experience of it at home. An integral part of our Pravesh Vaatika ambience, it plays a key role in making children come to grips with the fear of water and to use it as a source of entertainment and physical fitness

Pravesh Vaatika classrooms are air-conditioned and imaginatively laid out spaces where children not only enjoy the comfort of home but also learn to learn in a stress-free environment. All children are not only paid individual attention but are also groomed into the dynamics of collective living.

We generally use air-conditioned modes of transportation for pick-up and drop of children of Pravesh Vaatika.

We strictly maintain student teacher ratio at 10:1.

School timings throughout the year for Pravesh Vaatika are from 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon.